Monday, October 26, 2015

Seeing His Face in the Room

We're at the stage of family life where we find ourselves in mini-awards assemblies a few times a year. There's not much to do as you wait through hundreds of small people having their moment in the spotlight. With three daughters, I've done my fair share of these gatherings, yet I don't think I'll ever grow tired of them. You see I love watching the faces of the award winners as they line up on stage after shaking hands and getting their loot. You can see them frown as they search the crowd for their loved one, certificate in their hands all but forgotten.

Then my favourite moment - they find the one they've been looking for. They light up. You can read it all over their faces... Dad promised to be here and here he is. He's taken time off work to be here for me. He's proud of me, he loves me, he believes in me.

We can say these things to our kids over and over, but sometimes they need to see our face in the room.

Writing about God and His love is much like this. He promised in the Bible that He will never leave us or forsake us. Our readers may have heard this over and over without it ever really hitting home. But as their eyes scan our words, they will find the One they've been looking for, whether they knew they were looking for Him or not! As they do their faces will light up. They will be transformed by His love for them.

Our words can be His face in the room.

Dianne J. Wilson writes novels from her hometown in East London, South Africa, where she lives with her husband and three daughters.

Finding Mia is available from Amazon, Pelican / Harbourlight, Barnes & Noble and other bookstores.

Shackles is available as a free ebook from Smashwords.

Find her on Facebook, Twitter and her sporadic blog Doodles.


  1. Dianne, lovely analogy :) My kids are older now, but they still look out for my husband and I and beam their approval when we're there to support them.

    1. Thank you Narelle. Having kids has taught me so much about how God goes about loving us!

  2. So true, and very much what I needed reminding of today!

    1. I'm so glad to hear that Autumn. Love and hugs to you!

  3. Ain't it the truth. One of the hardest parts of growing up was that those loving faces were no longer in the audience.

    1. It's true Alice. I miss my mom often. Especially in those moments when the girls shine and I want to phone her and tell her what they're up to. I miss laughing with her. Adult-ing is hard!

  4. A beautifully inspiring piece! Thank you for writing it.
