Thursday, September 24, 2015

Where I'd Rather Be

As many of you are probably aware, this past weekend was the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) annual conference in Dallas, Texas. Some of you were even able to go. And I have to admit to moments of envy. As my Facebook feed filled with photos and updates from the conference, as the wonderful writers of my critique group met in person for the first time, as I heard about contacts being made with my dream publishers and agents... Yep, I wanted to be there.

It didn't help recalling how one of my close friends recently signed her first contract with a publisher right after a writer's conference she attended. Or the fact that some of the agents I would love to target have a "only if we met at conference" policy.

*Sigh* It's probably just what my writing career needs at this point.

And yet I'm glad I couldn't go! Because if I could have gone, it probably would have been because I didn't have a baby at home needing me...and I wouldn't give that up even for a four book contract with Bethany house!

The Lord has a plan for my life, my family and for my writing.

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"

Wonderfully complex seasons ebb and flow as we travel through life. How important it is to trust in the Lord's plan for our lives and seek His guidance, so that as we pass through this mortal existence we will enjoy the treasures that He has prepared for us. A baby's smile, the laughter of children, the conversation of good friends and family, watching His truth touch the lives of others...or seeing our words in print. ;)

So whether it be family, finances, or health that keep you from places you would go, and things you would do "if only"... Remember to find joy in the journey and trust in the Lord's plan for your life.

For me, though a part of me would have loved to go to the ACFW conference and have all the time in the world to write and pursue that career, I am home raising my three precious children and even planning a fourth in a couple years, and there is nowhere I'd rather be!

Of course, next year's conference might be a possibility. ;)

Angela K Couch is a member of ACFW and a semi-finalist in 2015’s Genesis contest. In 2014 she was a finalist of the “Storming the Short Story” contest, and in 2015 her short stories won the romance category of the same, and won the ACFW Virginia Chapter short story contest. The anthology A Kiss is Still a Kiss holds her story “Shackled” now available for preorder. Angela lives in Alberta, Canada with her “hero” and three munchkins. Visit her at, or follow on Twitter or Facebook!


  1. Yes, to everything there IS a season and time. I've been writing and waiting and wondering for 30+ years for such a time as this, and I believe it is only the beginning of what God has in store! So be encouraged! YOU don't have 30 years to wait (IMHO) because Christ is coming soon, so God will speed up this writing He has called you to! I just love "Then Suddenly" in scripture because He does that for us, too! :) Do not despise small beginnings. Hold fast to the vision! Though it may tarry, it WILL come! Hugs :)

    1. Thanks, Caryl, for your encouraging words. He truly does work amazing things in our lives! Hugs back ;)

  2. Angela, how I would have loved you to be there, but, I can't say I blame you for rather wanting to be at home :) Life is short, and those little munchkins grow up far too fast. We need to savor those moments that are brief.

  3. I know how you're feeling, Angela. I'm in the same boat with two boys. Thanks for the reminder to give every challenge, no matter how great or small, my best, and let God lead the way!

  4. Well said, Angela. Time with your kiddies is so precious.

  5. Such beautiful children! You made a wise choice, my friend.

  6. You have a beautiful family! Thanks for putting things into perspective for us. God bless.
