Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Best of the ICFW Archives: When Fiction Turns into Reality

By Kara Isaac

Since I'm getting married in a week, today I thought I would chat about how my fiance and I came to meet since it's, inextricably, linked to my writing.

In April last year I started on my second manuscript. It was based on an idea that had been perculating in my mind since a trip to see my parents in Cambodia in 2007 and one that I thought would be a lot of fun to try and bring to life.

I started writing and, unlike my first manuscript, from the first time that I sat down to write, there was something about this manuscript that seemed to hold some special kind of zing.

In particular, there was one character, a guy, who had me falling for him as I wrote him. With every new scene that I wrote I found myself wishing that he was an actual person, not just a figment of my creative imagination. Of course, I told myself, that if he was the story would not be possible because such a great snatch would have been snapped up long ago!

Read more at the following link:


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