Friday, June 7, 2013

DEVOTION: Telling God My Plans ~ Kathi Macias

A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps (Proverbs 16:9).

Have you ever heard the saying, “If you want to make God laugh, just tell him your plans”? I’m not sure if God laughs when we outline our plans to Him, but I do know He doesn’t change His plans to fit ours. And seriously, aren’t we glad of that?

When I look back on my life (and trust me, there’s a lot to look back on these days!) I find that my greatest regrets came about as a result of trying to pursue my own plans instead of God’s. Conversely, when I chose to walk in His ways—even if they didn’t make sense to me at the time—I always ended up in a place of blessing and peace.

So why do I still try to make my own plans and go my own way—and then, almost as an after-thought, ask God to bless the outcome? Okay, I know, I know. Even after nearly forty years of walking with Him, I’m still trapped in this imperfect physical existence and living on a broken planet. Hence, the call to serve self still echoes in my heart, despite the fact that I know better than to heed such a deceitful siren song.

You can relate, can’t you? You too are trapped in an imperfect physical existence and living on a broken planet. It won’t always be so, and that’s something to anticipate with joy. Until then, however, let’s continue to pray for one another and to commit our hearts to follow hard after Him, rejoicing that He is directing our steps, that His plans for us are good (see Jeremiah 29:11), and that He will never lead us down the wrong path.

Kathi Macias is a multi-award winning writer who has authored nearly 40 books and ghostwritten several others. A former newspaper columnist and string reporter, Kathi has taught creative and business writing in various venues and has been a guest on many radio and television programs. Kathi is a popular speaker at churches, women’s clubs and retreats, and writers’ conferences. She won the 2008 Member of the Year award from AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) and was the 2011 Author of the Year from Kathi “Easy Writer” Macias lives in Homeland, CA, with her husband.


  1. Thanks so much for this Kathi. Your devotional messages always bless me as much as I hope they bless others. I really can relate. My minister husband and I once agreed with the Lord it was time to move to a new congregation (!) and assured Him we would go anywhere in the world He wanted us - except for Johannesburg. We knew He wouldn't want us there. Guess where we went? For 13-and-a-half years.

  2. I really relate to this. I realize that I'm constantly making plans, beginning the journey without Him and then asking Him to follow me behind with His arms stretched out in front to catch me! Thank you for this reminder . . .
