Friday, June 19, 2015

DEVOTION: This Land is My Land . . . ~ by Shirley Corder

God made all kinds of wild animals. He made all kinds of livestock. He made all kinds of creatures that move along the ground. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIrV

Since the age of four, the beautiful land of Africa, has been my home. This continent, the second largest land mass on our globe, is indeed home to some 1.111 billion people of every colour skin known to man.

Why do tourists come to visit Africa? Is it to experience some of the many diverse experiences and adventures available? Or do they want to admire the natural beauty of such world-famous spectacles as The Victoria Falls, Table Mountain and Mt. Kilimanjaro?

One primary reason of course is the amazing wildlife, ranging from the Big Five and moving through the ranks to the lowly but fascinating dung beetle.

Then there are those who are fascinated by the people, cultures and traditions that populate the land once known as The Dark Continent.

Finally, and the ones we don't ever want to come to our land, are the ones with greed in their hearts and a total disregard for the sanctity of our wild life population. Thanks to poachers and the overseas business men who fund them, several species of the rhinocerous are already extinct, and the magnificent African elephant may have less than ten years to go.

When God created the world, He created every one of these beautiful beasts. He created all the animals in your land too. May we each take to heart the words on the sign above. Wherever we travel, may our goal always be to leave the world a better place.

God has given us such an incredible planet. When did you last take time out to enjoy it? To share its wonders with others? How about starting now? 

What one thing would you like to show us in your land? Post your answer as a comment below.

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for the beautiful country where I live. Help me Lord to remember that this land is my land, but it's also your land. Help me to do all within my power to protect its natural resources and beauty.

SHIRLEY CORDER lives on the coast in South Africa with her husband, Rob. Her book, Strength Renewed: Meditations for your Journey through Breast Cancer contains 90 meditations based on her time in the cancer valley.

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Please visit Shirley through, where she encourages writers, or at, where she encourages those in the cancer valley. You can also meet with her on Twitter or FaceBook 


  1. Replies
    1. Me too! Poachers are so short-sighted and selfish. I have friends in Kenya who run what they call "Eden Clubs", teaching African kids to value their environment and practice "creation care." Unless the locals care, it won't be protected from greet outsiders.

    2. I have heard of these sort of clubs and I think they're wonderful. If only the locals cared they could put a stop to this. When it is seen as the "white man's project" most locals don't see the importance. The only locals that really understand are the trained rangers. Now if they could only hold classes at the local schools . . . hmm. . .

  2. It breaks my heart when I read about the poaching going on, the useless killing of the rhina, and the gorilla. Sad so sad. I live in hope that sometime, soon I hope, that people will stop the senseless killing and learn to respect the animals that live with us on this planet.

    1. The rhino, gorilla, and elephant. So very tragic. Thanks for your comment Bonnie.

  3. Love that sign, Shirley. As for one thing I would like to show you in our land of Australia, while it's very hard to pick only one, I would probably say our amazing beaches all around the coast but particularly in Queensland, where I grew up.
