Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy Writing Zone

I told my daughter that I had to write and she immediately lit up. A smile on her face as she passionately enthused all kinds of story ideas.

Her exhilaration was contagious. And I eagerly listened to her excited narration.

However, I unfortunately did have to tell her that I couldn’t use her tales since I was actually writing a blog.

Nevertheless, she did spark an idea for this post because it made me think…

Is this how electrified we are whenever we sit down to write?

And if not, why?

How do we capture and then release that thrill with every new scene?

Would looking at pictures help? Listening to music? Imagining how good it will feel to write, “The End”?

What do you do to get into your happy writing zone?

Eva Maria Hamilton is the author of Highland Hearts, a Love Inspired Historical novel published by Harlequin. Her novel, Highland Hearts, won 2nd Place in the Historical Romance, as well as the Traditional/Inspirational Romance Categories in the Heart of Excellence Reader’s Choice Awards, and was an Inspirational Series Finalist in the 2013 Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence.

Highland Hearts

Scotland 1748
The Battle of Culloden is over, but one Highlander’s fight has just begun…
Logan McAllister survived years of indentured servitude in the Americas to reach this moment. Now he’s returned to Scotland, ready to redeem the secret promise from Sheena Montgomery’s father – that his years as an indentured servant would earn him Sheena’s hand in marriage. But when he arrives home, he learns that Sheena’s father has died, his contract has been lost… and Sheena is engaged to another man.

To connect with Eva Maria Hamilton online, please visit her at


  1. Oh for the energy and enthusiasm of a little child! Thanks Eva Maria. By the way, I LOVE your book cover. Stunning!

  2. I like to know I have done any other pressing jobs before sitting down to write. That way I can enjoy the moment more and just let my imagination run free, knowing everything else is more or less under control. The danger is, however, that all those 'shoulds' might end up taking over my whole day!

    1. That's great, Jo-Anne! But I do understand those 'shoulds' getting in the way too :)
