Friday, September 5, 2014

DEVOTION: Praise ~ by Judith Robl

Focus Verses:
Exodus 5:21-6:13

Aaron and Moses are in the center of God’s will, but Pharoah is obdurate. He makes life as difficult as possible for the Israelites. The people get discouraged and complain to Moses, who takes the complaint to God. God reassures Moses of the outcome. But when Moses tries to reassure the people, they are too discouraged to listen.

Has this ever happened to you? You’re following God, working on the plans He has for you, and the world caves. You get opposition from your family. Seventy-two things go wrong with your business; the car dies; the washing machine overflows; and the cat scratches your face.

And you simply want to throw in the towel and crawl into a cave to get away from all the irritants.

Don’t do it! This is the time to praise the Lord.

God lives in the praises of His people. Now is the time to offer up the sacrifice of praise. It isn’t always easy, but it will make things better.

When you are in the very center of God’s will for your life, the world and the enemy will conspire to keep you from remaining there.

Despite the turmoil and chaos around you, God is the ultimate authority. He will reward your steadfastness with the freedom of His promised land.

Father, God,
Help us to keep our eyes on You and Your vision for our future. Let us not be distracted by externals, but keep us focused on the eternal.
In Jesus’ most precious name.

JUDITH ROBL is the founder of Reflected Light Ministries and speaks to women’s groups about prayer, forgiveness, and drawing closer to God. Trained as a secondary level English teacher, Judith has a heart for mentoring. She and her husband, Martin, have been married fifty years and have four children who have presented them with nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Her book, As Grandma Says, is a devotional gift book, incorporating her grandmother's adages with an appropriate scripture, a pertinent life lesson, and a word of prayer. Visit her at her website or on Facebook.


  1. Judith, that was wonderful. Thank you for reminding us that we are going to be attacked and all we can do is praise God for His love and devotion to us!

  2. Judith, thanks for your encouraging and inspiring post.

  3. Jenn, thank you for your comment. We have it from Jesus' mouth that in this world we will have tribulation. But He will be with us at all times. That is the promise to hang on to.

  4. Narelle, thank you for coming by to comment. Have a blessed weekend.

  5. Thanks Judith, very timely advice for me. Yes praising the Lord when things are skewed IS a definite sacrifice which the Lord honors. Just waiting for now.

  6. Thank you so much for your encouragement, Judith.

  7. Thank you once again Judith for a timely reminder of God's goodness at ALL times!
