A longtime Florida resident, Johnnie
treasures family memories, classic movies, shelves full of books, and her
papillon*, Rugby.
Marion: It’s such a
pleasure to have you join International Christian Fiction Writers today,
Johnnie, and thank you for offering a free copy of Where Treasure Hides on the book review yesterday. One of my
regrets in life is not having made it to Florida Christian Writer’s Conference
in 2010. I had so looked forward to meeting you there as we had planned. But,
I’m grateful for cyber space where we’ve been able to keep in contact.
Johnnie: Marion, I
remember that conference, and I was disappointed for you. We’re also NaNoWriMo (National
Novel Writing Month) buddies.
Marion: That we are, and it’s been good to run some races beside you. Johnnie, the publication date of your debut novel, Where Treasure Hides, was January 1, 2013 … just two weeks ago. How
are you feeling? Have you come back
down to earth yet?
Johnnie: This is a
dream come true, a dream I’ve held in my heart for a very long time. I spent
the first couple of days after the release tearing up at odd moments with joy and
gratitude for God’s blessing. The response has been so gratifying, and as I
read reviews and readers’ comments, I tear up all over again. (You’ve made me
do that, too, Marion!)
Marion: Why a digital publication and are there plans for a hard copy in the
Johnnie: When Tyndale
said they were interested, I was ecstatic. Their digital program allows more
opportunities for new authors, and the time it takes from acquiring the
manuscript to publication is much shorter than for print publications. Where Treasure Hides was already finished when I received the offer in July. Less than six
months later, after receiving the same editorial attention as a print book,
it’s available for purchase. Printing of hard copies depends on sales.
Marion: Well, I’m
certain those hard copies will be rolling off the press in the not too distant
future. What do you hope the reader will take away after reading Where Treasure Hides?
I’ve written in other interviews about Alison’s go-to verse, Proverbs
31:25. So today, I’ll write about the verse that became important to Ian as he
planned his escape from the POW camp and made his way through Germany to safety.
Psalm 32:7 reads: “Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt
preserve me from trouble; Thou shalt compass me about with songs of
Our troubles and difficulties are
much different that the ones Ian experienced. But we can still hide within the
safety of God’s loving embrace. I am grateful for His protection and His
deliverance when I’m trying to escape my own prisons. I pray readers will also
take this Scripture to heart.
Marion: That ending (and you’ll know what I mean)… Is there a sequel planned for
Where Treasure Hides?
Johnnie: That ending .
. . I love it! Writing the epilogue was one of those magic moments when the
words simply flowed.
Last November
I wrote the sequel during NaNoWriMo, and now I’m involved in massive rewriting.
Marion: I can’t wait!
You have won several awards,
- Winner, American Christian Fiction Writers
Genesis Contest 2011, Historical Fiction category;
- Bronze Medal Finalist in the 2012 My Book
Therapy Frasier contest for a contemporary romance;
- Writer of the Year and Best Novel Awards at the Florida Christian Writers Conference.
Johnnie: Only the
Genesis was for Where
Treasure Hides. The Florida Christian
Writers’ awards were for an earlier project – one where Ian plays a major role
as a secondary character. The Bronze Medalist award was for a contemporary
story that shares similar themes of treasuring family memories and legacies. I
hope to complete both these manuscripts within the next couple of years.
Marion: Are there any other possible book contracts on the horizon?
Johnnie: Not yet, but I hope enough readers will be
intrigued by the ending of Treasure, and I write such a compelling proposal,
that the sequel will be contracted.
Marion: Not only do you
love to write, you love reading (but then the two do go hand in hand). Over 100
books read in 2011, and 86 in 2012 … and you still find time, amongst other
things, to write! What’s your secret?
Johnnie: Oh, wow! I
didn’t know you knew that! If I have a secret, I suppose it’s reading more than
one book at a time. Plus I don’t watch much television. Right now, inspired by
epic movies, I’m reading both Les Miserables and The Hobbit. Because I’m focusing on reading more
classics this year, I don’t expect to read more than fifty or sixty books this
Marion: That’s still a whole lot of books, Johnnie!
You’re an active member of American Christian
Fiction Writers as well as a
founding member of their Central Florida chapter. However, you’re a lot more than that. Tell us a little about
your involvement with ACFW.
Johnnie: After winning
the Genesis, I was asked to be a judge in 2012. When I was asked to be the
historical category coordinator, I immediately said yes. Then I also had the
privilege of serving as a first round judge for the First Impressions contest
where I read some amazing stories.
As of January
1st, I am now President of the Central Florida Chapter. Our board
has worked hard on the programs for this year. We’re going to have some amazing
speakers, a synopsis-writing panel, field trips, and a mini-conference on
preparing for conferences. We just completed a contest in partnership with the
Florida Christian Writers Conference. Later this year, we’ll sponsor a
synopsis-writing contest.
Marion: You are a busy lady! Being a part of two talented critique groups, Imagine That! Writers and Kindred Heart Writers, how have these groups helped you on your road to publication?
Johnnie: I would not
be where I am on my writing journey if I hadn’t had my critique groups walking
beside me. I met the other Kindred Heart members at my first major writers
conference. These ladies are now among my closest friends.
Imagine That! Writers began as an ACFW critique group (before Scribes). I thank God that I
was placed in what used to be known as the Crit89 group. My critique partners
are immensely talented and have helped me grow tremendously as a writer.
They read my
chapters and provide helpful feedback on the characters and the storyline. They
never let me get away with lazy writing and push
me to dig deeper when I’m writing difficult scenes. I owe them all a great deal
of thanks and appreciation.
Marion: What advice can you give to unpublished authors seeking publication?
Johnnie: The three Cs:
conferences, critique groups, and contests. At conferences, writers learn about
the publishing industry and network with both professionals and other writers.
Critique groups provide invaluable critiques (of course), accountability, and,
when needed, a shoulder to cry on. Contests, the good ones anyway, give
important feedback and constructive editorial criticism.
Marion: Johnnie,
thank you for your time today. It’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know you
better and we wish you every success for the future. I, personally, cannot wait
to see more of your work available.
Johnnie: Marion, thank
you so much for your gracious review of Where Treasure Hides.
I’m so glad to be your guest and can’t wait to email my story to one of your
* Before the interview, I had asked Johnnie another
question on a personal note, and I’m going to post her answer here for your
interest. A wise lady recently told me that a day is not wasted when you have
learnt something new (thanks Judith for your pearls of wisdom). This made my day worthwhile ...
Marion: So, I have
to ask ... and I quote from your bio: "her papillon, Rugby". Is that
a toy spaniel (according to my dictionary) named Rugby? If so, how did you
decide on that name? (Have to ask coming from the land of sunshine and Rugby.)
Johnnie: I'm sending you two photos of Rugby, too, because he's just so cute. The
American Kennel Club has papillons in the toy group. As you may know, papillon
is French for butterfly, and they have butterfly ears. http://www.akc.org/breeds/papillon/index.cfm.
We got him last January and I'm not sure how I came
up with the name. I wanted something a little manly and our son loves sports—though
he's never played rugby—so just trying out different things, that's what I came
up with and everyone liked it so it stuck. His official name is Dazzlin Rugby
Marion: Well there you have it! We learn something new every day. Yes Johnnie,
Rugby does look like a little butterfly. He’s really cute. And now I also know
where your NaNo name comes from.
Remember, if you want to stand a chance to win a
free digital copy of Where Treasure Hides,
drop a comment with your name and email addy on the Book Review blog of

Super interview. Thanks Johnnie and Marion!
ReplyDeleteMarion and Johnnie, great interview! The photo of Rugby is very cute :)
ReplyDeleteMost interesting interview and wonderful to hear from someone who is blazing the trail for the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteMarion, JOhnnie is truly the exciting woman and author that she portrays in this interview. Just a wonderful friend and one fine Christian woman. Good interview. Clella
ReplyDelete(Don't include me in drawing. I have a complimentary copy. Wonderful reading for someone.)
For some reason known only to the internet elves, nothing happens when I hit the "reply" buttons under your comments. But I do want to thank each of you for your encouragement and kind words.
ReplyDeleteMarion, I think it's great you included Rugby's photo. He's our little prince.
Clella is one of my beloved Kindred Hearts and an amazing friend. (I want to be her when I grow up!)
The interview with Johnnie is greatly appreciated. She is a friend and sister in Christ, not to mention a lovely woman, wife, mother, and grandmother. She deserves her good fortune with her current book and I wish her over the top success with both current work and the sequel. Martha Darcey
ReplyDeleteThank you for the interesting interview.
ReplyDeleteI love the verse you chose for Ian--definitely a scripture to keep close to my heart.
Martha, thank you from the bottom of my heart for those kind words. You are such a sweetheart.
ReplyDeleteRuth Ann, thank you. It took some searching to find the right verse for Ian, but God led me to this one and it fits so perfectly. Now it's one of my favorites, too.