Monday, September 24, 2012


Why blog? What do you really want to say?

If you are not well known as an author or don't really have a platform eg music or speaking then maybe it's not a good idea to use your own name if you want web surfers to find you. Now if you're only wanting to reach friends, family etc then that doesn't apply.

What is your passion or your expertise? A blog title which alludes to that would be a great help to help those interested in that to find you.
If possible address that subject. And do it regularly.

As I write romance, I figured my blog should be about that. Hah! As not many folk would find me by name, I decided I'd spell it out so, came to be.  But should I only stick with interviewing authors who write in that genre? Yes I do that, but decided I could also include real life stories of men and women who believed God had a real part in leading them together. And so many have opened their hearts and shared their unique situations. Some have even shared failed experiences, but where forgiveness and Christian grace rebuilt their relationship. These have been touching stories. I love stories that resonate, that we can relate to. I also ask experts in the field to share their advice on the expectations of marriage. These have been extremely helpful.

But with all this I felt discouraged because I didn't get many comments.Was I wasting my time? Who was I to write about such things? I weighed up the idea of quitting, but one day I hit the overview button and came across the stats. I could hardly believe what they told me! Viewers from all over the world were reading my blog; USA, Australia, England, Russia, Germany, and several Muslim countries were there. I'm up to 11,000 viewers in the past year. I gave thanks to the Lord in the discovery of an audience of real people out there.

That told me viewers read but don't always comment. What an encouragement. I hope this will encourage you as you share your thoughts, ideas, advice or stories. Who knows who will be uplifted by your blog?

* Rita Stella Galieh is an Australian author of two published novels with books II and III of a trilogy in the pipeline. She continues looking for more material for her weekly blog.


  1. Wow, Rita, those stats reveal an amazing and encouraging picture. Well done.

    I've read some of the stories on your blog and thoroughly enjoyed them.

    1. Thanks Ruth. It's the old story of hanging in there, isn't it?

  2. A few years ago I offered to manage a weekly blog for our church. I expected to reach a few people in the congregation and maybe the occasional visitor looking for a place to worship. Like you, I was amazed when I looked at the stats to discover that our little church blog was truly world wide. For some reason, we're popular in Russia, often garnering more page views there than in the US. Go figure. As it says in the www the web is truly worldwide. We're at Sorry I can't make it clickable. Links are not allowed in our comment section

    1. How encouraging Alice. I wonder if other churches realize this? The Good News can cross borders now that we'd never dreamed about years ago!

  3. Lovely, encouraging blog, Rita. And well done to you with all those hits on your site! I have just a name blog, but might change it to something about mentoring down the track a bit.

  4. Good idea Jo, as a lot on the web might pick up on that word.

  5. Thanks for your encouragement Rita. I have van astounded by the reach of my blog too although my stats are nothing like yours. I do wish readers would cotton onto the idea of commenting though. It does make it so much encouraging doesn't it?
