Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Even the Rocks Cry Out

His disciples gave him praise and acclamation. When the Pharisees witnessed the display, they reproached his followers, criticizing the spectacle. Then he, Jesus, told the Pharisees that the very stones would cry out in praise if his followers kept quiet. (Luke 19: 38-40).

God demands all creation to praise his name. “Let every created thing give praise to the LORD, for he issued his command, and they came into being.” (Psalm 148:5).

If even the rocks cry out, I want to cry louder. I want to dance! After all, we, his children, are much more than inanimate objects along the creek’s bed, yet we are told even they proclaim the greatness of a living God. This amazes me. I ponder how much more I can offer from the depths of my being unto my Creator than things with a hard, solid surface. Am I truly giving my utmost for his highest in a form of unmatched expression? Can the stones out-praise me?

One afternoon, while hiking in the East Tennessee region where I live, my mind wandered without any real purpose or focus, until I came across an interesting outcrop. The rocks appeared to be reaching toward the heavens, like faces lifted upward voicing praise. It dawned on me that I had neglected to offer extolment to my Lord that day, and here the stones did in my stead—without end, for they do not do anything but remain. At that moment, in a first time experience, stones inspired me to pay tribute to my loving Savior who deserves all honor, glory, and praise. Stones did.

We basked in the Lord’s presence, the stones and I. While worshiping with the outcrop at my side, it almost seemed as if the rocks lived, because the presence of the Lord brings life. I know they aren’t, and I don’t worship nature but the Creator of all living things—however, the inspiration and the scripture that came to me that day were touched with a peculiar holiness.

I returned home refreshed. That time of reflection gave me a good dose of creative power. It inspired me, later, when I sat behind my computer writing in the manuscript of my current work-in-progress. I couldn’t help but consider how the characters in our novels begin, in a sense, as inanimate objects. They need us to write them into existence. We are the creator then, and they are the created. They can just sit there, or we can demand their attention. I gave some of mine greater moral responsibility that day. They were changed, shaped, and molded into purpose. At the same time, I realize nothing is done outside of the Father’s will. He is the ultimate Creator and we are his vessel, as our books are a tool.

He demands we praise his name, or the rocks will. If even the rocks cry out, so can the characters within our novels.

Give them a voice. Bring them to life. All creation, praise his name.

Tessa Stockton is a romance and intrigue novelist. Her debut, The Unforgivable, was released on April 1st (Risen Books). Visit her at http://www.tessastockton.com/


  1. Great reminder. Thanks, Tessa. Love the photos too. :)Marcia

  2. Those rocks really do look like a crowd of people! I love your idea of the rocks crying out.

  3. One of my middle daughter's favorite songs to sing is an old "seventies rock" called "Before the Rocks Cry Out." Thank you for the reminder.
