Friday, June 4, 2010

DEVOTION: How to Slay a Giant. (Shirley Corder)

READ: 1 Samuel 17:32-52

"He reached into his bag and took out a stone, which he slung at Goliath. It hit him on the forehead and broke his skull, and Goliath fell face downward on the ground." 1 Samuel 17:49 GNB

A couple of years ago, I received a phone call from a lady who lived on the other side of South Africa. She had read my "article in the Reader’s Digest" and gone to great lengths to find my phone number. It was actually just a letter to the editor; yet it opened doors for me to come alongside a desperate lady trying to cope with her husband’s advanced cancer. I was able to pray with her and give her encouragement. She planned to use the contents of my letter to make a difference in their lives.

When David faced the giant, he tackled the problem with tools he knew. He selected five smooth stones from the riverbed and put them in his pouch. He placed one in his sling. The pebbles were only small, yet the chosen one became a mighty weapon.

David wasn't doing anything unusual. He used his sling frequently to protect his sheep. I'm sure he chose that first stone with great care. I can imagine him rubbing it on his clothes, making sure it was smooth and the best stone for the task. I’m certain David took careful aim with his sling. He knew it was important that he hit his target.

I read an article in the Reader's Digest, and I did what I do many times each day. I sent an e-mail. I selected my words with care. I polished the letter until it was the best I could do, aiming for the market. Then I hit "Send". It wasn’t a novel. It wasn’t even thousand-word article. It was just a short e-mail message. But it impacted the lives of at least one couple.

Whether we write them or speak them, we should choose our words with care. We need to aim at a specific market or person and then do what we’re used to doing: send them out. The results are in the Lord’s hands.

ACTION: Resolve today to go and slay giants with your words. And may the Lord bring results.

QUOTE: The pen is mightier than the sword. Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Richelieu.
I guess that applies to a computer keyboard too!

Shirley Corder is an RN, a pastor's wife and a cancer survivor. Those who know her will vouch for the fact that she practices her use of words all the time. Visit Shirley at her website or link with her through Twitter.


  1. Ah, words. The ultimate weapon. For all the wisdom of the schoolyard chant, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me," words can hurt. Fortunately, they can also heal. Here's to the healers among us.

  2. Shirl, inspiring post! Thanks for sharing with us today :-)

  3. And we all have "giants" that God's Word can kill! thanks Shirl! Good thoughts and well-written. Blessings Clella

  4. Pens or keyboards - the trick is to hit "send." Thanks for the reminder, Shirl.

  5. Oh Shirl, you are right on target. Thank you.
    Love & Prayers,

  6. Yes, we must slay the giants' negatives with our words of hope. Then we truly make a difference to people's lives. Thanks for the reminder, Shirley.

  7. Thanks to all for their comments. And yes, Glenda's point is so true. "The trick is to hit 'send'". Or to say the words that will build up.
