Friday, July 7, 2017

Devotion: A Grumbling Challenge

The children of Israel were chronic grumblers. Reading through the story of the Exodus, we see how the nation complained every time God asked them to do anything. They didn't actually grumble against God of course, they blamed Moses and Aaron. But God knew they were actually complaining about Him. 

God spoke to Moses up on Mt. Sinai, and reminded the prophet-of-old of the many things He had done for these ungrateful people. He reminded him how the nation had seen all the plagues, and yet He protected them from the harsh realities of most of them. They had witnessed the Nile turning into blood, and they’d heard the Egyptians cry out at the loss of their firstborn sons. They had crossed the Red Sea on dry land, and witnessed the utter destruction of the Egyptians when God brought the waves thundering down upon them. 

God reminded Moses how the people had enjoyed drinking sweet water which He changed from bitterness by getting Moses to throw a piece of wood into the lake. They'd also drunk water gushing from a rock and feasted on manna, a delicious wafer that tasted like honey. When they got sick of eating only manna, He sent them the delicacy of quail. Then, just a few days before this divine conversation, the people had experienced an amazing victory over the heavily-armed and vicious Amalekite army. 

Yet they complained. And they grumbled. 

Let's jump ahead to the New Testament. Can you think of one instance when Jesus complained? Yes, He was saddened by the people's lack of interest in spiritual matters. He grew tired of their lack of enthusiasm, but He never grumbled!

Do you remember Him praying in this way? "Father God, I'm sick and tired of this ungrateful people. Let them taste your anger, and please take me home to you!"
No, you can't. Because He never complained. Even when He went to the cross for sins He hadn't committed, He still didn't complain. 

How about you? How about me?

I have to admit I often grumble.  I complain because of the dreadful drought that is causing so much destruction to our land. I become annoyed with the stupidity of some politicians and how their arrogant and corrupt manners and words land the entire country in trouble. I groan when I see a further move into recession as finances get tighter and tighter. I grumble when I'm overtired (usually as a result of allowing myself to get over-committed!) 

I don't complain directly to the Lord of course. But I'm guessing He knows . . . 

There are so many people for whom life is so much more difficult. Has your pension dropped in value? There are people who have none. Is your marriage less than ideal? There are people who are alone in the world. Is your roof leaking? Many have no roof. 

I'd like to end this with a challenge for you. Set yourself a goal to avoid grumbling for one 24-hour period. No complaints at all. Not against your partner, your friends, your enemies, your boss, your co-workers, corrupt politicians, and certainly not against God. See how long you last. Then embark on another 24-hour stint. Do report back here how you're getting on. 

I'd love to hear from you.

What do you frequently grumble about? Please share in the comment section.

I'm signing up for this challenge. How about you? 

SHIRLEY CORDER lives on the coast of South Africa with her husband, Rob. She has recently embarked on a series of eBooks titled, Out of the Shadow.

Please visit Shirley through ShirleyCorder.comwhere she encourages writers, or at  RiseAndSoar.comwhere she encourages those in the cancer valley. 

You can also meet with her on Twitter or FaceBook.

Strength Renewed: Meditations for your Journey through Breast Cancer contains 90 meditations for those facing cancer.


  1. Aah, that is one challenge we must all try I guess! Whining comes so naturally for us, that I don't think I've had a long conversation without a complaint. Wonderful idea and beautiful thoughts, Shirley. :)

    1. Thanks you, Darshana. I hope it goes well for you. Let us know!

  2. We all are guilty of grumbling, we grumble more and feel grateful less, however it should be the other way round. I think we all should take up this challenge for 24 hours and see the difference.

    1. Go for it, Balaka. I'm also going to try. Let's make the world around us a better place!

  3. I'm up for the challenge! Count me in.

    1. Great Ruth! All the best as you try to manage your 24 hour stint! Report back so we know how it goes!

  4. I am a bit of a grumbler Shirley - and I've been known to grumble a bit to God when things are unfair or seem tough. I need to keep reminding myself that we live in a fallen world and things won't be perfect and sometimes life is plain unfair but our attitude is what makes all the difference.

    1. I think it comes very naturally to us all, Leanne. It's interesting that we even find it amongst the Bible "greats" such as Miriam!

  5. I love this so much! I complain A LOT more than I should. I'm so blessed and I'm so lucky to live the life I do, surrounded by people who love and support me, so there's no reason to grumble and complain! I am definitely taking on this challenge today!

    Jasmine /

    1. Great, Jasmine! I wish you all the best. Have a great grumble-free weekend. :-)
