Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Humble Peg Bag

Years ago I remember my mother always had a peg bag that came into use each washing day.  It was made in the shape of a dress. Peg bags are something I have always found handy. Recently my daughter mentioned she didn’t have one and needed to buy one. So a few days later, when I saw them for sale at an Australia Day market I bought one for her which I gave her next time I saw her.

Fast forward a couple of month and it had been one of those days, or should I say weeks. You know the ones I mean, where everything that can go wrong does - where the computer mucks up and does odd things, when writing is not going well, when prayers don’t seem to be answered, when family health problems are an issue, when headaches plague the days making everything take twice as long, when shopping become a frustration or the person you have difficulty getting along with makes you roll you eyes and wish you were anywhere else but in the same room with them.  This was the scenario, when in the middle of bible study a text message came though that made me smile.

The message was from my daughter and concerned the above mentioned peg bag. She said that every time she hangs out the washing she thinks of me and is so thankful I’m her mum and for buying her the peg bag. In the scheme of things it wasn’t a huge deal but it encouraged me. I returned to the bible study feeling happier than I had before, all because of a few words of encouragement.

That’s all it takes sometimes to brighten someone’s day. It might be a phone call or a text message to let someone know you are thinking of them. It might be an email sent to your pastor or a few words after the service to tell him how helpful or challenging you found his message. Or it might be, as happened to me recently when a visitor from another church who came to our Easter services approached me and said how she appreciated the leading of the music. She also liked the choice of songs and how relevant they were to the message. I was quick to pass that information on to our music director who chooses our songs each week to fit with the sermon. Having done this job myself in a previous church, I know this is not always easy to do.

When it comes to writing it might mean letting another author know how you enjoyed their book. Recently I emailed an author about a picture book my youngest granddaughter enjoys. The author was delighted to hear the effect her words are having. Earlier today I posted a review of an author’s debut novel on Goodreads. You can find it here.

What has encouraged you this week? I’d love to hear about it. Or maybe tell us where in your life you would like more encouragement.

Streets on a Map, was published by Ark House Press. Prior to that Dale has had seven children’s books and Kaleidoscope a collection of poetry published.
Along with her husband, Dale was for a time houseparent for a family of twelve boys. She has been a manuscript assessor and book reviewer and has run creative writing classes and written bible studies and Sunday school lessons. For several years she wrote about Christian living, marriage and home related topics for She has a BA in Literary and Australian studies. More information about Dale can be found at or on her Write and Read with Dale blog



  1. Hi Dale,
    Thanks for the encouraging reminder that something like a peg bag may be all it takes to bless someone and make their day. Like you, I agree that giving authors feedback on their work is a wonderful gesture to make.

    1. Thanks Paula. My husband laughed at a text message about a peg bag. But God knows when we need encouraging.It was the words and thoughts behind my daughter's message that was such a blessing. So we were both blessed. Her by the bag and me by her words.

  2. The power words hold is amazing. Just yesterday my sister emailed me to let me know how much she loved the two blogs I'm busy preparing for ICFW. She said she's also been wanting to tell me that a particular scene I wrote in my latest novel struck her so deeply and how much she loved the way I described this particular scene. The best thing she said though was, "You are getting better and better with every book." I read her mail numerous times soaking up every encouraging word.

    We all need to be encouraged, and in turn to encourage whenever we can.

  3. Thanks Marion for sharing your lovely encouragements from your sister with us.
