
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Welcome to International Christian Fiction Writers

I’m so excited for the chance to welcome you to our brand new blog! If you love exploring the world though the pages of a great book, then you’ve found the right place. Whether it’s romantic tales from the Austrailian outback, life in nineteenth century London, or heart-stopping suspense in Africa, we love to write them and read them.

So who exactly are we?

We’re currently twenty-one authors, both published and unpublished, from around the globe. We write everything from romance, to sci-fi, to suspense, to women's fiction, but we share a passion for writing fiction for His glory with an international flare. In the weeks to come you’ll meet each one of us through interviews, book reviews, stories of our writing journeys, cultural items, news, photos, giveaways, and more!

What do we need from you?

We want your input. Drop by from time to time and tell us what you’re reading, books you love, and what you’d like to see more of. If you’re a writer of international fiction, drop us a note here. We’d love to schedule an interview and book giveaway with you on our blog.

To kick off things with a bang, we’ll be having several contests this month. For our first contest, leave a comment below and, if you’d like, tell us what international setting you love reading about. I’ll draw a winner from the comments on November 8th for a copy of Tom Davis’ latest novel, Scared, that’s set in Swaziland.

And remember, there’ll be lots more chances to win great books, meet some fabulous authors, and learn about life around the world.

Until next time!

Lisa Harris

Lisa lives in Mozambique, Africa, with her family where they are working as church-planting missionaries. She's currently writing a suspense series set in Africa for Zondervan. You can visit her blog here.

The above contest is void where prohibited. The odds of winning depends on the number of entrants.


  1. Great introduction to the blog, Lisa. I look forward to getting to know you all more through these posts and hearing about wonderful fiction that takes us around the globe.

  2. Oh, my goodness!
    What a WONDERFUL blog, full of old friends Lee and Cathy and Eileen and Grace! Yes, one of this elite group actually stayed my "Normal" house! Which one, folks??????

    Another surprise for you! I'm reviewing Tom Davis's SCARED on Saturday, October 7 at!!!!!!
    Tom's debut novel inspired, educated, entertained. CANNOT WAIT to spread the word about it!

    Harry Kraus's work was also recently suggested to me.And of course I will be checking out Ronie's highly anticipated debut novel!

    Now, I've left out a few ICFWs, but I'm making lists and takin' names!

    Oops, excitement nearly made me forget the question! I love books set in Europe, particularly during the WWII era. In my writing, I've "Span Seas and Secrets" to explore women's memories. God has taken me to Ireland, Thailand, and now China!

    Can't wait to visit again!

    Oh, and don't enter me for Scared. I will be giving away a copy on my blog and already HAVE a copy!!!

    Patti Lacy

  3. looks like a good blog to follow

  4. Patti, as always, your enthusiasm makes me smile.
    :0) Thanks for coming over and spreading the word. I'm reading Scared at the moment. So many books to read and so little time, plus write my own!! Maybe we should cover time management at some point, of course since we're all in different time zones, it could be kind of funny!

  5. And we're off and running. Great start to the blog, Lisa. Love the picture.
    Favourite international settings? Like most people, I like to read about my own country, Canada. After that I'm keen on the UK, Australia and NZ. Does anyone remember Essie Summers who used to write for Harlequin, way back when? She made me want to visit.

  6. What a great idea! I think publishers recognize that most readers want to relate to their fiction on some level. Geography is but one way. One thing I've enjoyed about reading fiction has been traveling to other lands. I'd like to see more of this in Christian fiction.

  7. Thanks for stopping by and for all your great comments! Let the adventure begin! :-)

  8. What an exciting blog! Thanks for putting this together -- and such an exciting line-up of writers!

    I like good books, whether the setting is the space station or around the corner. I just love an intriguing story world!

    My first novel, A Lever Long Enough, is set in first century and modern Israel. The research for that was definitely challenging.

    Congratulations and good luck!

  9. Woo-hoo!!

    I found not one, not two, but three familiar faces on this blog.

    Shirl, Marion, and Jeanette (you will note the reverse alpha order).

    I'm bookmarking this blog and will check in from time to time.

    Grace and peace,

  10. Hey All,

    I love the international flavour and given that I'm from the great land down under, I have a special interest:) I always enjoy reading books set around the world.

    Jeanette's books are some of my absolute favs and I'm hanging out for Ronie's book! Love Harry's too. Hope to read my fellow Aussie's books sometime!

    Always thrilled to help promote new authors on my CF review blog so drop me an email if I can help out.

    Please don't enter me - I have Tom's book waiting patiently in my TBR pile.


  11. Great to read the comments on Lisa's great post. It sure is exciting to be involved in this very new venture. Sometimes those of us Downunder do feel a long way from the rest of the world. And Alice, I still have a large collection of Essie Summers books! In fact, I had some personal correspondence with this lovely lady after my first book was released. Did you know she became so popular and well known that tourist buses used to go past "Essie Summers" house in Auckland? She even warned me not to put my house address out there. Now, if only a writer could become such a local icon!

  12. Great post, Lisa. Looking forward to getting to know my fellow writers. I dont' mind where a book is set, just give me a great story and I'm happy!

    Of course, Mary's books have a special place in my heart, We grew up in the same area and I recently wrote an article for Christian Woman magazine about her.

    Fantastic start to the blog!

  13. Yay, the blog has launched! So excited to see authors of international fiction highlighted!! Lisa and I have long talked about this field.

    Patti - You blessed my socks off with saying my book is a "highly anticipated" release. THANK YOU! LOL

    We hae some very great authors, and it's an honor!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This is fantastic! So pleased to see the spotlight on you guys! I will be keeping a close eye on your exciting developments.
    from Australia

  16. Great start Lisa. Well done.


    Shirley M. Corder

  17. Wow. Here we are after so many weeks of planning. Great post Lisa :) I've read Tom Davis's book and it was AMAZING. In fact, it's making the rounds of family and friends as we speak so whoever wins it, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

  18. Thanks to this blog, I've learnt of Tom Davis's book, Scared. I cannot wait to get a copy into my hands and will definitely be watching to see when it lands on South African shores - hopefully it won't take too long.

  19. Lisa, fabulous post. It's great to see you all here and a special wave to my downunder friends :-) After fighting with my web browser to access the comment page (and losing the battle - I'm using a different browser now) I'm finally able to post a comment. I purchased a copy of Scared today and can't wait to read it!

  20. I am so happy to have found your blog. I love reading about foreign countries that I will never visit. I love books from Australia and New Zealand but I have a love of books and I enjoy visiting other lands via the written word.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  21. Please enter me in your giveaway. As far as the question, I love Ireland and Scotland. There aren't that many out there in that setting that I have found. If anyone has some suggestions please let me know:)

  22. What a great blog, I have subscribed already! :) I love reading books set in France, it reminds me of my heritage, albeit far off.

    Thanks for the entry, my email is: savedbygrace7215(at)yahoo(dot)com

  23. Congratulations, Linda! You won Tom Davis' Scared! I've send you an email. Everyone else, sign up to follow the blog for many more chances to win great fiction!

  24. Thank you so much. I know I will enjoy it.
